Only 1 final exam, the delivery of an occlusal splint, a final evaluation and a major apartment cleaning stand between me and a plane ride into JFK. It really is the most wonderful time of the year!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
J.Crew Score!
I had to return a birthday gift at J.Crew today and when I walked in the salesgirl told me that the entire store was 30% off. I was so pumped. The jeans I returned turned into a super cute dress I want to wear for Christmas Eve so I can eat and eat and a belt and a necklace. Such a good deal! I really could have bought everything in there. Sometimes they are just so spot on with everything that I am loving and this was one of those times. I was coveting the cashmere sweaters, but I knew the price tag was still a little too high. Fingers crossed for after Christmas super sales! How cute is my new dress?!?!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
All I Want For Christmas
Since spending my entire long weekend volunteering I am just plain exhausted. We have our big move coming up this weekend. The movers are officially coming on Sunday morning and we have yet to pack anything except for 1 box. There are only 10 more days until I go home for Christmas, but they are packed full of studying and projects, community service and chores! I can't wait to get some rest and spend some relaxing holiday time with my boyfriend, family and friends. There are just so many loose ends to tie up and I get myself so stressed! Any tips for beating the finals week stress?
Monday, December 10, 2012
Outfit of the Day
It was freezing by Southern California standards this morning so I thought it would be fun to pull out my fur vest and layer it over my outfit to start the day. It was 70 by mid-afternoon so the vest never went back on, but it felt a little more like Christmas time with that chill in the air when I left the house. I am loving this knee length pleated skirt from Kohl's. It is great for school because it's long and is easy to sit and move around in. The Nine West shoes I got for my birthday are really high, but super comfortable. I like to choose heels with a wedge in front because they tend to be much more comfortable, and therefore more practical. I was thinking this outfit would be cute for Christmas at home as well with some tights and different shoes. The plum color of the skirt and the fur makes it just holiday enough without being red and green. How else can I wear this skirt?
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
In honor of the Vicky's Fashion Show tonight, one of my fave events to kick off the holiday season, I wanted to share this adorable picture of my favorite Angel Miranda Kerr. I totally wish I could pull this off, but I can't imagine doing errands in the Inland Empire dressed like this. The Annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show airs tonight at 10pm.
Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Boss
With a professional dress code at school it can be difficult to find your personal style, but with fun accessories and cool, but practical shoes, you can find ways to express your taste and be tasteful! Choose high necklines the complement statement necklaces and opt for longer skirts that have stretch so they are easy to sit in. With a little imagination, boring work clothes can be taken to a whole other level!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Skating in A Winter Wonderland
I got an email from the Los Angeles Kings that they have set up ice at LA Live. It has been ages since I skated and nothing says the Christmas season more to me than strapping on the blades and stepping out on the ice. I think we all need a little winter cheer! Hopefully my friends agree and we all get into the spirit with a little dinner and skating! Then I can wear a cute outfit like this for winter in SoCal.

First attempt at Polyvore. It's pretty fun!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
What's In Pandora's Box?
I have never been a huge fan of the Pandora bracelets. They are way too bulky to wear doing dental work and the charms are pretty expensive. When I opened my birthday present from my grandma and saw a Pandora box I was kind of surprised because my family knows it's not really my thing. To my surprise there was a gorgeous silver and mother of pearl ring inside! I had no idea that Pandora made anything like this, and while it's not an everyday wear because it won't fit inside my gloves, it's going to be making regular appearances when I go out because I think it will compliment so many outfits! Have you ever bought any Pandora jewelry besides charms? What do you think?
People come into our life for a reason. Ally came into mine to be my partner in crime, my other half. Since our first quest together to meet Ryan Cabrera freshman year of college when we successfully lured him off the tour bus, to our most recent adventures on the beaches of Southern California, she has been my best friend, my confidant and my most trusted fashion consultant. During our days at Uconn we would sit at the hair salon for hours flipping through magazines, sipping mimosas and chatting with our hairdresser Justin in our alter egos Lanka and Coco. I always knew she wouldn't lead me astray as I chopped and dyed. We have shopped for major life events together- our Honors Formal, our first Nickel night and college graduation. I will surely be bringing her to pick out a wedding dress someday. These days most of our consulting is done over the phone and via the internet as we live on opposite coasts, but there isn't anyone I trust more to confer on what trends are a go and which are a no-no. Together we became fanatics of Michael Kors, shopped Rodeo Drive, said yay to colored denim and nay to anything and everything tacky. This post is dedicated to an amazing friendship that has led to fabulous bicoastal style. Love ya, girl! Thanks for making me look good!
Our first facebook documented photo together. Even as new friends we were already dressing in the same color family. Oh, the good old days of UConn.
On the beach in Cali in matching aviators! So happy we had this time together! :)
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Red Lips
I have been noticing tons of girls rocking the red lip lately and have been super envious of their bold style. I have this horrible association of bright lipstick with my mom coating on the layers year after year at my dance recitals and feeling like such a clown. Feeling gutsy today in Sephora with my roommate, I thought "What the heck?" and asked one of the girls working in the store to help me pick out a shade. She chose a lip stain for me and warned me that I would have to be precise because, big shocker, it stains! I did the little Q-tip test on the makeup counter mirror and was shocked to find that I loved the way it looked. It was bright. It was bold. It was unexpected. The new lip color really gave me the pop I was looking for. What do you think of the red lip?
I really can't wait to wear my new red lip stain with my awesome new shoes care of my best friends for my birthday from Macy's. They are having great Black Friday Weekend Sales! Thanks, girls! I'm obsessed!
Backpacks Aren't Just for Elementary School
One of my favorite birthday gifts so far this year was actually a backpack. I haven't carried one in years, since I retired my blue Aloha print L.L.Bean, but to my surprise the bag I used to carry my books in has gotten a seriously cute update. My aunt bought me a floral print bag from Macy's that is the perfect size for a day trip, just large enough for the essentials- water bottle, wallet, sunscreen and a spare tee. The greatest part of this trend is there are colors and patterns for everyone and this handbag investment won't break the bank. There are tons of great options for some seriously fabulous price points.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Favorite From Factory
Since I won't be home for Thanksgiving I have been thinking about what I want to wear for Christmas instead. I know that red is kind of expected for the holiday, but I have been in love with this adorable dress from J.Crew Factory. I figure afterwards it will be cute for school with black tights and pumps, but for Christmas day it would be cute with patterned tights and boots plus some great gold jewelry. The website describes it as having a hint of stretch which will be good for eating lots of yummy cookies and the plain front really makes it a great canvas for accessories. What would you pair with this dress?
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Fashion Icons
We all have that special someone that every time we see them we just go crazy over what they are wearing. There are a lot of amazingly dressed women out there, but one in particular that takes the cake for me is Most Eligible Dallas fashionista Courtney Kerr. Every time she was on screen during her stint on the Bravo show she looked incredible and she has attitude to boot. No pun intended because she is a Texas gal! Not only is she super skilled at putting fun and creative outfits together, but she has a great blog that details her fashion adventures. Something that really stands out to me is her ability to mix high end pieces with items from stores like Forever 21 and Gap and always look like a million bucks. I love using her ideas as inspiration for putting together ensembles from my own closet. I doesn't hurt that she has amazing hair either and has totally perfected the art of wavy hair and the ballerina bun. Do yourself a favor and check out and get some fashion inspiration today!
Perfect Outfit as seen at
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
If I Only I was Having A New England Fall
The thing about Southern California that I don't love is that there really aren't seasons here. We are already 5 days into November and the temperature hit 90 today. I am sure my friends and family back in CT would curse my name to hear me say it, but while getting my butt kicked at Boot Camp today in the un-air conditioned studio I was cursing whatever brought about this heat wave. This is nothing new. First year I was studying for my MCBM midterm in my bikini at the pool. But while I had to pull back out my shorts, the lucky people back home are buying up all the awesome winter clothes. Since I can't actually wear them in SoCal anytime soon, let me tell you what I would be snatching up if I was still getting cozy on the other coast.
Monday, November 5, 2012
You Look Good In Rainbow
This weekend I participated in my first 5k. It wasn't just any 5k either; it was the happiest 5k on the planet, The Color Run! While I may not have actually run the whole thing, I had a great time spending time with friends and getting doused in colored corn starch that took a couple of showers to finally be rid of. If you aren't familiar with the race, runners are encouraged to wear white clothing and for each kilometer of the run volunteers squirt them with various colored cornstarch. At the end of the race there is a color festival where everyone gathers and tosses a packet of color in the air. It was a gloriously warm day in San Diego and everyone had an awesome time. If the Color Run comes to a city near you, you should definitely run, walk or dance it because we really did a fun and colorful time!
The Before and After Shots Care of Cherish
Maybe not my best fashion moment, but certainly the most colorful!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Oh Lola!
There's something special about a signature scent. The other day my boyfriend texted me and said that someone had come into work wearing Marc Jacobs Lola, my absolute favorite, and he was thinking about me for the rest of the afternoon. He can vividly recall me smelling like MJ Lola since our first date. Aside from the gorgeous bottles that I love seeing on my dresser, Marc Jacobs has mastered the light, slightly floral, but never overbearing scent that lingers just the right amount. I have Lola at home and Daisy out here in California. Spritzing on a little as part of my routine makes my morning a little happier. Do you have a signature scent?
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
What I Love Right Now
I wouldn't consider myself a hat person, but every once in a while I get obsessed. I've been noticing on many of the fashion blogs I read that hats for fall are totally IN! While unfortunately not a school appropriate trend, nothing sounds more awesome to me then throwing a hat over wavy bed head and heading out for a day of shopping or sightseeing in the crisp fall air. That is if we ever get that crispness out here in SoCal. Are you brave enough to try the hat trend?
Gap, Wide Brim Fedora, $29.95
Forever 21, Bow Trimmed Cloche, $14.80
Monday, October 8, 2012
A White Wedding Weekend
We spent the better part of our Columbus Day weekend making the gorgeous drive to and from San Luis Obispo for Cherish's wedding. It was a fairy tale event, complete with bubbles as the couple walked down the aisle, a photo booth and to die for macaroni and cheese bites. I was in awe of the gorgeous table settings which included mason jars, photo block table numbers and midnight snack favor boxes which we happily dove into when we got back to the hotel. Needless to say, a fabulous time was had by all and even more fabulous dresses were worn by the WUCDM guests!
Gorgeous guests from WesternU in White!
My outfit: Dress: Alloy,; Belt: Ann Taylor Loft; Shoes: Madden Girl, Macy's; Clutch: Marc by Marc Jacobs, Accessories Store.
My outfit: Dress: Alloy,; Belt: Ann Taylor Loft; Shoes: Madden Girl, Macy's; Clutch: Marc by Marc Jacobs, Accessories Store.
Enjoying good food and good company as the sun set in SLO!
Monday, October 1, 2012
LBP...Little Black Polo
This post is the same at the article I am submitting for the next ASDA newsletter, but I thought I would post it here also in honor of Care Harbor LA and all of the hard work we did today sweating it out in our black CDM polos. 1 extraction and 4 fillings in one afternoon felt like quite a feat. It's funny to think in a couple of years that will be nothing in an average day. We have a long way to go, but at least we can look good on the journey.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Searching for the perfect white dress...
It's not what you think. I will be wearing white, but it's not me who is taking a trip down the aisle. I am very excited to attend a reverse wedding. The bride will be wearing blue, and her guests white. The concept is as unique as the bride and after a couple months of searching, a too-big ASOS dress and the realization that my summer tan is fading, I finally found "The One".
Dress: Alloy
Of course it looks nothing like this on. But with a cute belt and my trusty black Madden heels, it will certainly do the trick. The best part was it was on sale and I got the Labor Day free shipping. Now I just need to figure out what to do with my hair. Thoughts?
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I am new at this so cut me some slack as I get acquainted with the world of blogging. Inspired by being asked to write a semi-silly and semi-serious fashion article for my dental school's ASDA newsletter and my love of clothing, shoes and accessories, I thought it might be interesting to document the life and outfits of a dental student. So here goes...
I should start out by saying that fall is my favorite season. Growing up in New England I have an appreciation for boots and sweaters and all things warm and cozy. Especially now that I can only wear those things for about two weeks when the temperatures dip down into the low 50's and everyone pretends it's freezing. Or maybe they really think it is, but in reality no one living in Southern California has a clue what cold really is. With that being said, I want to pay homage to a wonderful summer filled with fun dresses because they have been good to me as I have sweated it out over the last few months on both coasts and they will soon be taking their place in the back of the closet until next year. Let's hit some highlights...
I should start out by saying that fall is my favorite season. Growing up in New England I have an appreciation for boots and sweaters and all things warm and cozy. Especially now that I can only wear those things for about two weeks when the temperatures dip down into the low 50's and everyone pretends it's freezing. Or maybe they really think it is, but in reality no one living in Southern California has a clue what cold really is. With that being said, I want to pay homage to a wonderful summer filled with fun dresses because they have been good to me as I have sweated it out over the last few months on both coasts and they will soon be taking their place in the back of the closet until next year. Let's hit some highlights...
I was completely obsessed with this dress from asos for banquet in May. I can't take much credit for the look as I literally stole it off of fashion blogger Courtney Kerr (Most Eligible Dallas). I am equally as obsessed with how beautiful all of my friends looked that night.
Dress: asos; earrings: Forever 21.
I finished off the look with these purple platforms from Kohl's (A perfect knockoff for Steve Madden at an eighth of the price).
When summer wedding season got into swing, I scooped up this teal dress from Nectar Claremont to be cool and classy at an August sunset ceremony.
Dress: Audrey 3+1; Shoes: Madden Girl; Earrings: Forever 21.
Finally, for the ASDA golf tournament I channeled the South with a floral sundress from Nectar Claremont and a floppy hat care of Christina. Cherish, Maria and I went whipping around the course in our cart after consuming too many Twisted Teas and drinks out of mason jars. Fore!
Dress: Final Touch; Hat: Borrowed; Watch: Marc by Marc Jacobs; Twisted Tea: Vons.
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