Friday, May 9, 2014

Dream Big, Darlin'

With graduation from dental school just five days away, I thought this was such a fitting quote to post. When I started my journey to become a dentist I was just a 16 year old high school junior who had no idea what a Class II filling even was. Ten years later I am halfway through my 26th year, more mature and certainly much more educated than when I began my quest for the coveted DMD.  I know the next week is going to be filled with a lot of laughs, even more tears and quite a few bottles of champagne as my classmates and I accept our diplomas and finally, officially, become the doctors we worked so hard for so many years to be. I was just a little girl with a dream and now I am a woman with a clear cut vision of how her future (at least the near future) will turn out. Congrats to all the ladies graduating with me next week. We made our dream come true! Cheers to that!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Get Caught In the Web

I have heard people say that fashion is like wearable art. No designer exemplifies this more than Charlotte Olympia. I certainly don't live a red carpet lifestyle or have exceptional grace walking in a 6" heel, but I would display these shoes like a Van Gogh. From her signature cat flats, with added sunglasses for the spring collection, to these killer heels with their own message in a bottle, one pair is just more fabulous and exquisite than the next. Where would I wear these shoes? Frankly, I just don't have a cool enough life for these ever to be appropriate (minus the flats, maybe), and the price tag to own your own is pretty steep, but there is something so fun about browsing the selection in Nordstrom and thinking about what an artist Charlotte must be to have come up with these unique and funky designs. She certainly has this girl caught in her web. 

Monday, May 5, 2014


Happy Cinco de Mayo! Hope everyone is having a margarita...or!